The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation admitted the effectiveness of SME support from Asian-Pacific Bank The data is published on the Ministry official website

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has published the operational monitoring data of the implemented support measures for Small and Medium Enterprise representatives. Asian-Pacific Bank ranked in the TOP-10 most efficient banks in providing business lending at a preferential rate of 8.5% per annum.


According to general data for the country, in total, banks have signed more than
9 thousand agreements for the total amount of 601 billion rubles and disbursed over 510 billion rubles during the program period. It is at least 40% of total volume of loans to SMEs.


"This program has been launched in APB since early last year. We assessed its relevance and efficiency and extended the contract with the Ministry for the entire 2020, and we do not plan to slow down next year either.  Since the beginning of the program, APB has signed almost 400 loan agreements for the total amount of 10.4 billion rubles and disbursed about 9.8 billion rubles since February 2019. This indicates that the program is definitely in demand among our clients. Such business support advantage lies not only in a preferential rate, but also in simplified requirements for the borrower, in particular, there are no restrictions on the borrowers’ activities types, engaged in trading. In addition, we are constantly expanding our own concessional lending line to SMEs, while offering our clients low rates and favorable terms,” said Tatyana Dremlyuga, the APB's Corporate Business Director.


The Ministry itself noted that while overcoming the pandemic consequences, the banking sector has been the most important retransmitter of governmental support measures, and acted professionally.