Asian-Pacific Bank
regions of Russia
cities and towns
23 000
corporate customers
304 000
retail customers
Asian-Pacific Bank is the leading bank with foreign capital in the Far east and Siberia.
The Bank was established in 1992 as Amurpromstroybank and rebranded in 2006. It is permanently present in the top 100 best banks of the country by various indicators. Adherence to high standards of corporate governance, strong development strategy, flexibility and effectiveness are the key factors of successful development of Asian-Pacific Bank. The principal shareholder of Asian-Pacific Bank is the Bank of Russia with 99.99% of the share capital.
Еstablished in 1992 as Amurpromstroybank and rebranded in 2006
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We aim to become a trusted partner in the world of financial services doing it transparent, simple and convenient
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Branch network
APB is widely represented in Siberia and the Far East of Russia
102 cities
and towns
and towns
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Corporate governance
The main purpose of the corporate governance system is to facilitate effective management to deliver the long-term success of the bank
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Membership in International Associations
Achievements and Awards
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